Hale Ward Councillor, Hugh Rayner raised the question of traffic lights at the junction of Selvage Lane and Northway Circus roundabout in Mill Hill at the latest Hendon Area Environment Committee
He said –
“Three of the roads into this roundabout are controlled by lights but the fourth, Selvage Lane, is not.
Not only does this cause considerable congestion at peak hours with traffic backing down to the Green Man in Hale Lane, but it is also extremely dangerous.
Cars leaving Selvage Lane going north or south on the A1 have to slot into gaps in the traffic, an extremely risky exercise to say the least exacerbated by the phasing of the existing lights which pay little regard to traffic from Selvage Lane”
A number of Hale residents are concerned about this problem and have asked what can be done!
Lights are an obvious solution!
An alternative might be to re- phase the existing lights to allow for Selvage Lane traffic but I think new traffic lights would provide a longer term solution.
But Cllr Rayner of does not underestimate the difficulties in getting lights installed at this junction.
“ Northway Circus is controlled by Tfl and their priority is the major roads – the A1 and A41. Only time will tell if we can get them to take Selvage Lane, the A5109, into consideration.
But the intention of my raising this issue is to start a dialogue with Tfl to see what can be done for the benefit of my residents in Hale Ward in particular and for all users of this junction in general.
I was very appreciative that this proposal gained unanimous support from the Hendon Area Environment Committee last evening”.
The LBB Traffic and Development Team have now been instructed to liaise with Tfl and to report back. Dependant on the response the team will then progress to a traffic study and viability report.
Lights will not happen overnight but at least the problem is now being addressed.